Monday, February 22, 2010

Lecture 3 : Learning Objects (LO)

This Learning Object is an online website regarding human Biology. The website contains a movie that demonstrate the active
transport of sodium anad postassium in and out of cell membrance.

The learning object is a good sample of Simulation Objects since the movie simulate the process of sodium anad postassium absorption.
The movie also realizes the concept by the animation so that it also can be treated as a Conceptual Model Learning Objects.

RISAL link:

RISAL Tags: learning objects, sodium-potassium pump

By Ruby

1 comment:

  1. This is the LO about Biology - Cell. It is a bit slow but it is very good for student to understanding cell, virus, evoluation and so on.
    It is a very useful website.

    RISAL link:

    RISAL Tags: Cell Learning Object.

    By Joe
