Monday, April 19, 2010
Individual Assignment: Collection of Resources (Tag Cloud updated by James LI)
Morli3’s Assets Tags
21st century
add-in for moodle
business training
cloud computing
course management system
education site
elearning 2.0
elearning 3.0
ipod touch
latest news
learning interchange
learning management system
open university
student lives
web 3.0
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Tag Cloud by Ruby
field trip
fun theory
learning object
learning objects
lesson plan
sodium-potassium pump
teaching tools
the economist media
video tutorial
web 2.0
web 3.0
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Mobile Education
Mobile education make education becomes personal and no distance.
Although the video seems like a advertisement, it dose bring out some ideas of using mobile devise in education.
By Joe
Although the video seems like a advertisement, it dose bring out some ideas of using mobile devise in education.
By Joe
American Education Research Association Research Policy (Joe Lee)
Definition of Scientifically Based Research
The following definition of scientifically based research (SBR) was developed by an expert working group convened by the American Educational Research Association (AERA) in June 2008. The SBR definition set forth below was supported by the AERA Council as a framework that offers sound guidance to members of Congress seeking to include such language in legislation. AERA provided this definition in response to congressional staff requests for an SBR definition that was grounded in scientific standards and principles. The request derived from an interest in averting the inconsistencies and at times narrowness of other SBR definitions used in legislation in recent years.
Alternate Definition of Scientifically Based Research (SBR)
Supported by AERA Council, July 11, 2008
I.The term “principles of scientific research” means the use of rigorous, systematic, and objective methodologies to obtain reliable and valid knowledge. Specifically, such research requires:
A.development of a logical, evidence-based chain of reasoning;
B.methods appropriate to the questions posed;
C.observational or experimental designs and instruments that provide reliable and generalizable findings; and analysis adequate to support findings;
E.explication of procedures and results clearly and in detail, including specification of the population to which the findings can be generalized;
F.adherence to professional norms of peer review;
G.dissemination of findings to contribute to scientific knowledge; and
H.access to data for reanalysis, replication, and the opportunity to build on findings.
II.The examination of causal questions requires experimental designs using random assignment or quasi-experimental or other designs that substantially reduce plausible competing explanations for the obtained results. These include, but are not limited to, longitudinal designs, case control methods, statistical matching, or time series analyses. This standard applies especially to studies evaluating the impacts of policies and programs on educational outcomes.
III.The term “scientifically based research” includes basic research, applied research, and evaluation research in which the rationale, design, and interpretation are developed in accordance with the scientific principles laid out above. The term applies to all mechanisms of federal research support, whether field-initiated or directed.
The following definition of scientifically based research (SBR) was developed by an expert working group convened by the American Educational Research Association (AERA) in June 2008. The SBR definition set forth below was supported by the AERA Council as a framework that offers sound guidance to members of Congress seeking to include such language in legislation. AERA provided this definition in response to congressional staff requests for an SBR definition that was grounded in scientific standards and principles. The request derived from an interest in averting the inconsistencies and at times narrowness of other SBR definitions used in legislation in recent years.
Alternate Definition of Scientifically Based Research (SBR)
Supported by AERA Council, July 11, 2008
I.The term “principles of scientific research” means the use of rigorous, systematic, and objective methodologies to obtain reliable and valid knowledge. Specifically, such research requires:
A.development of a logical, evidence-based chain of reasoning;
B.methods appropriate to the questions posed;
C.observational or experimental designs and instruments that provide reliable and generalizable findings; and analysis adequate to support findings;
E.explication of procedures and results clearly and in detail, including specification of the population to which the findings can be generalized;
F.adherence to professional norms of peer review;
G.dissemination of findings to contribute to scientific knowledge; and
H.access to data for reanalysis, replication, and the opportunity to build on findings.
II.The examination of causal questions requires experimental designs using random assignment or quasi-experimental or other designs that substantially reduce plausible competing explanations for the obtained results. These include, but are not limited to, longitudinal designs, case control methods, statistical matching, or time series analyses. This standard applies especially to studies evaluating the impacts of policies and programs on educational outcomes.
III.The term “scientifically based research” includes basic research, applied research, and evaluation research in which the rationale, design, and interpretation are developed in accordance with the scientific principles laid out above. The term applies to all mechanisms of federal research support, whether field-initiated or directed.
Social networking sites have educational benefits (Joe Lee)
It talks about social networking in education and it is using caption now:
Microsoft school of the future (Joe Lee)
When education becomes one of the most profitable field Microsoft step into school.
Education 2.0 - WiZiQ Free (Joe Lee)
Free virtual classroom. The idea is quite amazing.
Web 2.0 is not the Future of Education (Joe Lee)
As the development of web 2.0 is fast, alot of games and social networking tools affecting our new generation. How can they study in a playground or game centre?
Here is some good points of why web 2.0 is not the futurn of education:
Here is some good points of why web 2.0 is not the futurn of education:
Learning 2.0 (Joe Lee)
Learning with web 2.0
WIKI and Learner Centered Education (Joe Lee)
Wiki is good for group work. It is because each member has different knowledge. Members can share their knowledge and help each other.
Lesson Plans - many many sample (Joe Lee)
Here is many many sample for lesson plans. It may help.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The Future of Learning: How Technology is Transforming Public Schools: Lisa Short (Joe Lee)
This is another interest board. It seems this is a completed product.
This is another interest board. It seems this is a completed product.
Compendium - mind mapping tools (Joe Lee)
It shows how ideas or objects in social science related.
It shows how ideas or objects in social science related.
Open Video (Joe Lee)
It contains a lot of video. Of course youtube has a lot more than that. But you could search video by category.
It contains a lot of video. Of course youtube has a lot more than that. But you could search video by category.
Lecture 2 example of a cognitive tool
Think of an example of a cognitive tool used in education you are familiar with. Exchange descriptions and comments of these tools.
Pics4Learning (Joe Lee)
It is a picture sharing website for T&L. It is free to download and upload.
It is a picture sharing website for T&L. It is free to download and upload.
Creative Educator (Joe Lee)
It shares alot of teaching ideas. I think is it amazing for teachers.
You can read it by category or as a magazine. It also provides pdf. So that you could download and read it on your mobile devices.
It shares alot of teaching ideas. I think is it amazing for teachers.
You can read it by category or as a magazine. It also provides pdf. So that you could download and read it on your mobile devices.
100 tools for digital story telling (Joe Lee)
Alot of good tools here although some of them not working:
100 tools for digital story telling
Digitales - Becomes expert of digital story telling (Joe Lee)
You can becomes a expert of digital story telling:
This is my comment on (Joe Lee)
Out Experiences
It is very happy to read Jacky's comment. As a system engineer, I feel quite difficult to link with this course. But Jacky lead me to some other direction, so that I could understand those pedagogies and apply them more easily.
Digital Storytelling
I found some links about digital storytelling:
I think for those Higher Education, we could produce it with a series of media to tell the story, such as combine a series of experiment to tell a theory.
Make your own IWB
Wow! It is a great product.
I think it is more applicable if users could write down on the whiteboard from some distance. So that teacher could highlight some point easily. BTW, I do think it is a great step of ITE.
Technology and Learning
Ideas often go prior technology. So lets get more ideas and let teaching and learning becomes more interesting. Cheers!
Combining Visualization and Interactivity
You may check this also:
Presentation. Uzwyshyn, Ray. Multimedia 2005.
Introduce educational software
The WebOS is very good. I am using it now. It is user friendly. The speed is not too slow.
But I have some concerns when we use it on teaching and learning. We have to depend on the network speed and apps the WebOS provide. I can't waiting if we can use WebOS on teaching and learning although Glide is still in development process.
2010-3-15 (session 6)- Group Activities 3: Research ITE(extension)
I agree with "Digital generation are familiar with most of them in daily life but frequently using them in entertaining way rather than educational way." We may use facebook everyday every hour but we may not use it for learning. And the other problem is could I focus on elearning by using facebook? Just like could I learn in a game centre or playground?
eLearning and Web 2.0
Check the links for some education apps for facebook:
What do you think about room 321?
Yes, I agree! It seems no big differences of having lessons in other classroom. And it will be better to have some guide for users. Another problem is there is too much layer in a small area. It splits groups like cutting their contact. No enough of notebooks...
However, I like some features of Rm321. The projector and mic on every table makes presnetation much more easier. The screen besides each table allow users to enjoy the presentation or teaching. Actually the room is quite good but not good enough.
how can wiki support teaching and learning
I have used PBworks. I found it is quite user friendly. Teachers could uploaded their materials such as embed links and share some learning objects.
I think PBworks could be easily applied on education. Like just create one folder for each class or subject. Digital generation will like this feature.
News from Youtube this month!
This could be revolutionary.
By using this caption features, Youtube could help alot more on teaching and learning. Especially on those non-english region.
It is very happy to read Jacky's comment. As a system engineer, I feel quite difficult to link with this course. But Jacky lead me to some other direction, so that I could understand those pedagogies and apply them more easily.
Digital Storytelling
I found some links about digital storytelling:
I think for those Higher Education, we could produce it with a series of media to tell the story, such as combine a series of experiment to tell a theory.
Make your own IWB
Wow! It is a great product.
I think it is more applicable if users could write down on the whiteboard from some distance. So that teacher could highlight some point easily. BTW, I do think it is a great step of ITE.
Technology and Learning
Ideas often go prior technology. So lets get more ideas and let teaching and learning becomes more interesting. Cheers!
Combining Visualization and Interactivity
You may check this also:
Presentation. Uzwyshyn, Ray. Multimedia 2005.
Introduce educational software
The WebOS is very good. I am using it now. It is user friendly. The speed is not too slow.
But I have some concerns when we use it on teaching and learning. We have to depend on the network speed and apps the WebOS provide. I can't waiting if we can use WebOS on teaching and learning although Glide is still in development process.
2010-3-15 (session 6)- Group Activities 3: Research ITE(extension)
I agree with "Digital generation are familiar with most of them in daily life but frequently using them in entertaining way rather than educational way." We may use facebook everyday every hour but we may not use it for learning. And the other problem is could I focus on elearning by using facebook? Just like could I learn in a game centre or playground?
eLearning and Web 2.0
Check the links for some education apps for facebook:
What do you think about room 321?
Yes, I agree! It seems no big differences of having lessons in other classroom. And it will be better to have some guide for users. Another problem is there is too much layer in a small area. It splits groups like cutting their contact. No enough of notebooks...
However, I like some features of Rm321. The projector and mic on every table makes presnetation much more easier. The screen besides each table allow users to enjoy the presentation or teaching. Actually the room is quite good but not good enough.
how can wiki support teaching and learning
I have used PBworks. I found it is quite user friendly. Teachers could uploaded their materials such as embed links and share some learning objects.
I think PBworks could be easily applied on education. Like just create one folder for each class or subject. Digital generation will like this feature.
News from Youtube this month!
This could be revolutionary.
By using this caption features, Youtube could help alot more on teaching and learning. Especially on those non-english region.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
My own Tag Cloud in RISAL (morli3=James LI)
Morli3's asset in risal
21st century add-in for moodle android apple article asp business training classroom cloud computing cms college computer course management system education education site elearning elearning 2.0 elearning 3.0 engineer ericsson fun future game guideline idea ieee ilife informatics ipod touch javascript latest news learn learning learning interchange learning management system lesson link lms microlearning microsoft mlearning mobile model network office open university opensource plan presentation preuniversity programming purpletrain reference register resource science skill slide smartphone social student lives system tag teaching technology vocabulary vocational web web 3.0 web-based website wiki
21st century add-in for moodle android apple article asp business training classroom cloud computing cms college computer course management system education education site elearning elearning 2.0 elearning 3.0 engineer ericsson fun future game guideline idea ieee ilife informatics ipod touch javascript latest news learn learning learning interchange learning management system lesson link lms microlearning microsoft mlearning mobile model network office open university opensource plan presentation preuniversity programming purpletrain reference register resource science skill slide smartphone social student lives system tag teaching technology vocabulary vocational web web 3.0 web-based website wiki
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Comments on Never Too Late’s blog
Comments on Never Too Late’s blog:
On ‘Session7: Mobile technology in school or workplace’
Referring to your example about providing automatic feedback using mobile technology, you are absolutely right that it can really help teachers and students save a lot of time. I am just wondering how mobile technology stands apart in this example. It seems that automatic feedback can be done effectively even with non-mobile technology.
On ‘Cases of applying IT in TnL around the world’:
A really great site. Just watched a video about how some schools in the U.S. collaborate with professional communities to organize informal academic and interest groups for students after school ( Students appear to have their generic skills enhanced. A must see for the EDB which advocates the generic component in the new curriculum.
On ‘Our potential research topic’:
Totally agree with your justification. It seems that a lot of the local primary and secondary schools are only using ICT to enhance staff communication but not teaching and learning.
Two things may be added, including students’ perceptions and learning behaviour, which makes the proposed research more process-oriented. Sometimes what students have gained (e.g. becoming more confident, using more learning strategies) may not be reflected in the learning outcome.
Btw, I am wondering how we should deal with ‘effectiveness’ and ‘efficiency’ in this research. Effectiveness means ‘doing the right thing’, whereas efficiency means ‘doing the thing right’. I think learners may really not do the right thing all the time when using ICT (i.e. not effective / there is off-task behaviour such as not talking about the writing topic but other topics), yet it is possible that it may enhance students’ social presence or sense of belonging and thus eventually make the students even more effective and then more efficient. IT-enhanced learning has been criticized by many as creating a socially-isolated environment and thus reducing learning motivation and hindering knowledge construction. The aforementioned ineffectiveness may actually (and sarcastically) be a possible solution for the problem.
On ‘The main areas of research on and with ITE’:
I think within the domain of ‘with ITE’, there can be two sub-domains, namely ‘for the learners’ and ‘with the learners’
For the learners: how teachers develop IT platforms or IT-related materials for the students and how students use these platforms and materials to enhancing learning (i.e. more teacher-centered)
With the learners: how students explore IT applications and use them to explore knowledge (i.e. more student-directed).
On ‘Google Map with HK Street Views (Chinese Version)’:
Great! I am thinking about how to use Google Map in teaching and learning.
A simple activity in an English grammar lesson can be as follows: students describe what they saw in Google Map in English and practice how to use prepositions of place.
A more complicated activity in an English writing lesson can be as follows: students are real estate agents and asked to write promotion leaflets. They browse Google Map in groups and describe an estate and its surroundings. This is great for those who consider field trips as not a very viable teaching option.
In these two cases, Google Map provides students with an authentic context, which may be highly motivating.
On ‘Introduction to Voice Thread‘:
This is great stuff, but it seems that the free version of voice thread has got some technical limitations, like unstable recording, poor recording quality and being unable to cover original track when making a new one. Not sure whether the first two problems are just due to my network and computer.
On Photo Story 3 - complementary tool to Movie Maker”:
True, Regina. The EDB should allocate more funding to schools to develop / redevelop IT. The school that I worked for a few years ago needed to organize fund-raising events for buying new computers for the students! And the computers for the teaching staff are just good enough for opening IE and a few Microsoft applications and would lag to death when we used video-editing software.
On ‘Digital Storytelling - Movie Maker Trial’:
Right. This is a great software. You can add and modify elements of a video such as subtitles and transition effects within a few simple steps. One of the limitations is that it is not very flexible when adding subtitles (subtitle is a crucial element in educational videos I suppose). For instance, the places that you can put the subtitles are more or less fixed and you cannot retain the subtitle of the previous slide in the current slide.
And you are right, Kui. I believe, however, that the Windows Movie Maker is one of the simplest and most user-friendly video-editing software, as compared with other software like Pinnacle or Adobe Premiere.
On ‘A Learning Object for the 'Scientifically Challenged'’:
Learning object is truly a present for learners. In a learning object, complicated concepts can be visualized and can be acquired by learners in an interactive manner. If Albert Einstein was still alive, I think he would love it, as he had dyslexia and learnt by visualizing things.
But of course, a learning object should be treated as a supplementary learning element. I believe that knowledge should be and can be best constructed via social interaction.
On ‘Limitation of Short-term Memory and Dual Coding’:
Great summary and reflection. Just that I am not sure about your phrase ‘enhance the short-time memory capacity’. It seems that short-term memory has a finite capacity / memory span (i.e. the capacity / memory span cannot be increased). People may improve their short-term memory through chucking (i.e. increasing the size of the items memorized in the short-term memory), but the capacity / memory span is still the same.
It is good to raise the issue of using PowerPoint to deliver verbal and non-verbal information. Some teachers in Hong Kong, however, just use PowerPoint as a kind of ‘electronic blackboard’, that is, they only use PowerPoint to present textual stuff. They may have to be reminded of the benefits of presenting audio-visual information.
On ‘Session7: Mobile technology in school or workplace’
Referring to your example about providing automatic feedback using mobile technology, you are absolutely right that it can really help teachers and students save a lot of time. I am just wondering how mobile technology stands apart in this example. It seems that automatic feedback can be done effectively even with non-mobile technology.
On ‘Cases of applying IT in TnL around the world’:
A really great site. Just watched a video about how some schools in the U.S. collaborate with professional communities to organize informal academic and interest groups for students after school ( Students appear to have their generic skills enhanced. A must see for the EDB which advocates the generic component in the new curriculum.
On ‘Our potential research topic’:
Totally agree with your justification. It seems that a lot of the local primary and secondary schools are only using ICT to enhance staff communication but not teaching and learning.
Two things may be added, including students’ perceptions and learning behaviour, which makes the proposed research more process-oriented. Sometimes what students have gained (e.g. becoming more confident, using more learning strategies) may not be reflected in the learning outcome.
Btw, I am wondering how we should deal with ‘effectiveness’ and ‘efficiency’ in this research. Effectiveness means ‘doing the right thing’, whereas efficiency means ‘doing the thing right’. I think learners may really not do the right thing all the time when using ICT (i.e. not effective / there is off-task behaviour such as not talking about the writing topic but other topics), yet it is possible that it may enhance students’ social presence or sense of belonging and thus eventually make the students even more effective and then more efficient. IT-enhanced learning has been criticized by many as creating a socially-isolated environment and thus reducing learning motivation and hindering knowledge construction. The aforementioned ineffectiveness may actually (and sarcastically) be a possible solution for the problem.
On ‘The main areas of research on and with ITE’:
I think within the domain of ‘with ITE’, there can be two sub-domains, namely ‘for the learners’ and ‘with the learners’
For the learners: how teachers develop IT platforms or IT-related materials for the students and how students use these platforms and materials to enhancing learning (i.e. more teacher-centered)
With the learners: how students explore IT applications and use them to explore knowledge (i.e. more student-directed).
On ‘Google Map with HK Street Views (Chinese Version)’:
Great! I am thinking about how to use Google Map in teaching and learning.
A simple activity in an English grammar lesson can be as follows: students describe what they saw in Google Map in English and practice how to use prepositions of place.
A more complicated activity in an English writing lesson can be as follows: students are real estate agents and asked to write promotion leaflets. They browse Google Map in groups and describe an estate and its surroundings. This is great for those who consider field trips as not a very viable teaching option.
In these two cases, Google Map provides students with an authentic context, which may be highly motivating.
On ‘Introduction to Voice Thread‘:
This is great stuff, but it seems that the free version of voice thread has got some technical limitations, like unstable recording, poor recording quality and being unable to cover original track when making a new one. Not sure whether the first two problems are just due to my network and computer.
On Photo Story 3 - complementary tool to Movie Maker”:
True, Regina. The EDB should allocate more funding to schools to develop / redevelop IT. The school that I worked for a few years ago needed to organize fund-raising events for buying new computers for the students! And the computers for the teaching staff are just good enough for opening IE and a few Microsoft applications and would lag to death when we used video-editing software.
On ‘Digital Storytelling - Movie Maker Trial’:
Right. This is a great software. You can add and modify elements of a video such as subtitles and transition effects within a few simple steps. One of the limitations is that it is not very flexible when adding subtitles (subtitle is a crucial element in educational videos I suppose). For instance, the places that you can put the subtitles are more or less fixed and you cannot retain the subtitle of the previous slide in the current slide.
And you are right, Kui. I believe, however, that the Windows Movie Maker is one of the simplest and most user-friendly video-editing software, as compared with other software like Pinnacle or Adobe Premiere.
On ‘A Learning Object for the 'Scientifically Challenged'’:
Learning object is truly a present for learners. In a learning object, complicated concepts can be visualized and can be acquired by learners in an interactive manner. If Albert Einstein was still alive, I think he would love it, as he had dyslexia and learnt by visualizing things.
But of course, a learning object should be treated as a supplementary learning element. I believe that knowledge should be and can be best constructed via social interaction.
On ‘Limitation of Short-term Memory and Dual Coding’:
Great summary and reflection. Just that I am not sure about your phrase ‘enhance the short-time memory capacity’. It seems that short-term memory has a finite capacity / memory span (i.e. the capacity / memory span cannot be increased). People may improve their short-term memory through chucking (i.e. increasing the size of the items memorized in the short-term memory), but the capacity / memory span is still the same.
It is good to raise the issue of using PowerPoint to deliver verbal and non-verbal information. Some teachers in Hong Kong, however, just use PowerPoint as a kind of ‘electronic blackboard’, that is, they only use PowerPoint to present textual stuff. They may have to be reminded of the benefits of presenting audio-visual information.
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